This is a list of resources I can recommend to you to build the skills and knowledge necessary to get your CCNP.
Some of the product links here are affiliate links, I will receive a small commission from each sale made via these links (no additional cost to you). I want to emphasize that I will ONLY recommend products that I have used myself, and I regularly refuse to partner with companies if I don’t feel confident recommending their products to you.
My course on YouTube provides more income to me via advertisements and the generous support of my viewers than any of these affiliate links, so I have no intention to ‘sell out’ my reputation for the sake of a little more money.
Recommended CCNP ENCOR Resources
ENCOR Courses

Jeremy’s IT Lab
Of course, I recommend my free CCNP ENCOR course on YouTube.
At the time of writing, the course is just getting started. However, I hope you follow along as I make the course: I promise that it will be a valuable tool in your ENCOR studies.
P.S. I’m offering a major early bird discount on the premium edition of the course, check it out if you’re interested!

Cisco Modeling Labs
Cisco Modeling Labs (CML) is Cisco’s official network emulation platform.
CML allows you to run real Cisco IOS network devices in a virtualized environment, giving you access to the full range of capabilities of a real network device.
I recommend the Personal license ($199/year). It comes with a limit of 20 nodes (only 20 virtual devices are allowed in each lab), but that’s more than enough for ENCOR labs.
Because CML runs real network devices in a virtualized environment, it requires a much more powerful computer than a network simulator like Packet Tracer. If your computer is not sufficient to run CML, I recommend Boson NetSim for ENCOR.

Boson NetSim for ENCOR
Not just a complete set of guided labs for the CCNP ENCOR, but a powerful network simulator.
Boson NetSim provides the best hands-on configuration and troubleshooting practice for the CCNP.
Boson’s set of over 100 guided labs is really all of the hands-on practice you need to prepare for the CCNP. Simply memorizing commands isn’t enough to complete these labs, they really test and develop your overall understanding of the exam topics.
In addition, you can use their network simulator to create your own labs, as NetSim is a complete network simulator which is more powerful than Cisco’s Packet Tracer. Even if you’re studying for the CCNP, you can use NetSim for your lab practice (can’t say the same about Packet Tracer).
NetSim is a great tool especially if your computer isn’t powerful enough to run labs in CML!
ENCOR Practice Exams

Boson ExSim for ENCOR
Without a doubt, the most in-depth and accurate practice exams for the CCNP ENCOR.
Nothing simulates the difficulty and style of the real ENCOR exam as well as Boson ExSim.
Boson’s ExSim is almost universally recognized as the best set of practice exams for the CCNA and CCNP, and with good reason. Not only do the questions simulate the difficulty and style of the real exam, but each question includes in-depth explanations of why each correct answer is correct, and why each incorrect answer is incorrect, including references to Cisco’s official cert guide and Cisco documentation online for additional reading.
If you’ve finished an ENCOR course and are ready for your final preparations before the exam, Boson ExSim is the best tool you can use to get ready.
Other ENCOR Resources